Aug 31, 2011

"Make Stuff Together" Book Giveaway

Here we are! That illusive book review that has taken me so long to write up.

I was approached by Bernadette Noll and Kathie Sever, the authors of “Make Something Together” a few months ago, before their book was released. They asked if I would like to be part of their book blog tour and although I have never said yes to a giveaway on Filth Wizardry before, and I was just about to give birth, I wanted to say yes to this particular book. The way they described it to me, it sounded quite lovely and totally in keeping with the vibe of our home, so I wanted to be involved in helping to promote it in some way.
Now that things have reached some sort of rhythm in the newborn department and I’ve had a chance to really sit down and read through the book and see how the projects and philosophy are applicable to our own family, I’m ready and able to write about it and of course offer a copy of the book to one lucky commenter on this post.
Bernadette and Kathie, the authors of this book, have had a lot of experience with collaborative crafting, especially with children. Bernadette co-founded Slow Family Living and Kathie is the creator of Ramonsterwear. Together they have formed Future Craft Collective to find ways that families can be creative together in a sustainable fashion. At the start of the book, before you get to the detail of the individual projects, they take the time to share their experiences and talk about the “why” and “what to expect” aspects of creating with your family. This part of the book, as well as being very well written is also extremely encouraging to those that are nervous about setting the right environment for a pleasant crafting experience when children are involved.
I think the thing that I like most about this book is that it is relevant to a large range of ages and abilities. Out of the 24 projects, some are simple projects that younger children can use as an initiation into sewing and to gain confidence quickly, but there are also more complicated projects that preteens will be able to throw themselves into. As much as I can see me and my five and six year old making some of these things together, I can equally imagine that the book is still going to be in use when my older girls are ten and eleven and they have their little five year old sister to help join in with the making too.
The other thing that stood out to me when I read through this book was that the projects are all real keepers. You're upcycling, reusing and recycling materials, but in a way that creates family items that will really become part of the home atmosphere and traditions. Most of the upcycling that I do with the kids when we craft is making things that are fun and yes they use recycled materials most of the time, but they aren't things that I can see us having and still using say ten years from now. In contrast to our usual fun with recycling, I'm excited to make some items from this book, such as the table runner and napkins or the family flags, that can be more permanent creative fixtures in our family's home for years to come.
I've wanted to sit down at the sewing machine with my older girls, who are five and six years old for some time now, but deciding on what we should try and how to go about it has delayed me taking the plunge. I think it's this book that's going to ease us into the process of sewing together and I'm looking forward to it!
If you'd like a chance to win your own copy of "Making Stuff Together" then just leave a comment on this post and I'll announce a winner on Wednesday next week.
Disclosure: Bernadette and Kathie gave me a copy of this book for myself as well as one to give away on Filth Wizardry, but all the views I have expressed above are my own and this also means that the book the winner gets won't have little jammy fingerprints all over it from my children ;)
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Jenn said...

Wow. This looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

My 6 year old son would love to make that last bag. I have an old singer not in use which he's asked me to use a few times. I also have a new baby and we moved cross country so my crafting mojo has been kaput.

Holly said...

I'd love to win a copy of this book! My girlies are 6, 4.5, 2 and -1 week, so I can see using it for a loooong time. Thanks for the chance to win!

granolagina said...

What a fun book! My 10'yr old daughter and I love to create together.

Jen said...

My 5 year old daughter and I would have so much with this book! Looks like there's lots of fun projects :)

Carrie said...

What an interesting book! It sounds right up my alley.

nausikaa said...

This looks like a lovely book.

Jen said...

My 5 year old daughter and I would have so much with this book! Looks like there's lots of fun projects :)

pentagramica said...

This book looks really great! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of it!

Hippie Housewife said...

Those projects sound great! I'd love to see what my son and I could make together.

Traci said...

This looks like a good exception to the rule!

Christine wa Brandon said...

i'm brand new to your blog...and i've LOVED exploring your posts. so much creative goodness up in here!!

Desi said...

This looks awesome!

Jodi Russey said...

I'm doing my best to raise some crafty girls, we'd love some new ideas! thanks for the giveaway!

carmelsmith said...

I'm a home-schoolin' mama and this book looks like it would be great for ideas with my little ones.

bedelia said...

i'm always looking for things to make with my kids so this would be fun to get my hands on.

Christine said...

I would love to enter to win the book, thanks.

Unknown said...

This looks like a great book! My daughter and I would love to make some of these projects together.

Sylvie Créative - Créations Ma Déco Maison said...

What a great creative collaborative craft book to have at home! Thanks!

Karen said...

Sounds like a great book! I would love to win a copy!

melonkelli said...

I would love to make projects from this book with my 3 kids!

SMx said...

Fabulous giveaway. Thanks!

Pamster said...

This sounds like a really fab book. Would love to work some of these projects with my 6yo crafter-extraordinaire.

Leigh @ Toasted said...

Good to see you've found your rhythm (as much as is possible with a baby ;-) anyways)

Thi sbook looks very excellent.

ziezo said...

This looks like the perfect book for my kids. My eldest two (7 and 5) have wanted to learn how to sew for so long, but it is hard to come up with easy projects for them. This might just be it! My little one can then also join in in time. . . thanks for the opportunity!

Lori said...

We'd love to give this book a look-see.

Julia✂ Skrebniova said...

Wow!!! Super book!!! My son is 1 year old.

I'm reading your blog for a last few month - you are great MOM!!! Thank you for your blog!!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

What a great book to give away—I am a grandma now with elementary school-age grandkids and a Brother sewing machine that loves to thread its own needle. Thanks for the chance.

Big mamma frog said...

OOoooo! We have so much material and craft stuff in the loft that dh is now referring to it as 'loft insulation'. He has issued an ultimatum: me and the kids must use up craft material soon or it'll be so hot in the house we'll be down to our undies. (Don't suppose HE'd mind but I need to lose at least a stone before THAT happens lol).

Great blog btw. :)

AmandaYeager said...

Looks awesome! Pick me, pick me, pick me! Please?

Anonymous said...

What a lovely and thoughtful review. I've not seen this book yet but will have to check it out. Hope all is well with you and yours...

Jenny said...

I'm not crafty or handy, but I have been trying to figure out how to sew with my two daughters (8 and 4). This book looks wonderful!

Michelle said...

Looks like a fun book. It's nice to see you back!

Abigail said...

wow, that looks like an awesome book. even if i don't win it, it is going on our wish list. thanks for the review!

Amy said...

Wow, it certainly looks like an amazing book. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Neil & Michelle Harrison said...

this sounds awesome! I'd love this book!

3GoatMom said...

This sounds like something my kids and I would really get into. My little one is ready to take on the sewing machine, he hovers over me everytime I sit down to mend something.

( jason ) said...

Looks fun! It's always great to find new ways to engage the kids.

Carla said...

Looks like it would be a great addition to our library! Pick me! :)

F-squared said...

Thanks for the book review. I love your blog! I've been following it for over a year now, and I always enjoy seeing the creative things that you and your girls do.

Steph said...

My daughter is only 1, but Id love to have some ideas as the years go by on the fun stuff we can do!! :)

Angela said...

Love it!! We love to create things at home although I am a horrible sewer. Maybe I could learn a thing or two along with the kids :-)

Jess said...

I have been watching your blog for a year now (and your hubby's too) and I must say I am impressed. I have 3 sisters, one is 10 the other is 14 and we love playing around with craft every friday afternoon. There are a few of your projects we have even indulged in. I am a budding illustrator with a passion for childlike art, my mum sews and my dad is a blinky-flashy diy christmas light guy. Your blog has inspired us all.
I hope your book sells well and that it will be available in Australia

Camille English said...

I would Love to win!

lucy4 said...

We would totally use this book.Love the examples.

The Dutch Girl said...

Lola and I would love this book. We have just moved and our craft room is still a mess, but that will soon be taken care of.

Thank you!

Amy said...

Looks like a good one, thanks for the review!

icicle said...

Stuff to make that isn't just more 'stuff'? Heck yes, please!

Rachel said...

Yes please! I would love some more ideas to get crafting with my almost three year old daughter!

Melly said...

Looks like a great book! I've been trying to figure out how to get my six year started on the sewing machine and this may be just what we need!

Unknown said...

My son is only 5, but he is already showing signs of being a maker. Everything he see he asks, "can I recycle this?" which means he wants to use it to create one of his junk robots. I'd love to get him into fabrics as well.

MaryAnne said...

This sounds like a fantastic book!

Unknown said...

this would be an incredible win!

Tiffany said...

oh man, this is great! we have a whole dresser FULL of "recyclable" materials just waiting to be crafted. The hard part is- I have trouble thinking of things that would actually stay in the house (i.e. a robot made out of junk would probably not be able to be played it-- it'd just be thrown out once it falls apart). Anyway, sounds like my family and I would love it. You can check out my husband's blog: for some projects he's made up with purses out of old VHS tapes, tote bags out of walmart plastic bags, etc. :)
I'd love to win this book!

Anonymous said...

Four kiddos, one on the way... We'll definitely get some use out of this book!

Carrie said...

If you find the ideas in the book to hold promise, it must be worth a peek! My 5 and 7 year old are just getting into sewing and I have been looking for simple new projects!

sarey said...

Just started sewing with my daughter, and this looks fantastic!

Catriona said...

I Lovve the idea of this book - my just-turned-4-year old daughter started school this morning so that's put a bit of a halt on our summer of crafting fun. We're definitely ready to move up to the next level!

Helen said...

oooh fab!

Courtney said...

Looks like a super book! Thanks for the review, too! My 8 year old is always up for new projects!

Erin aka Conscious Shopper said...

My son was asking me to make him a "spy belt" just today. The bag in that last photo looks like it would work perfectly.

Jennifer said...

This looks like a cool book and I would love to win it.

Emma said...

Sounds like a great book - my daughter is just getting to the age where collaborative projects are possible!

Lisa Bee said...

I'd love to have this book for my upcoming baby! Of course, we won't be able to use it together for a few more years... :)

jojoebi-designs said...

looks like a fun book! and who doesn't need some extra inspiration from time to time?

Brittany said...

Would love to win a copy ^_^. I read your blog all the time to see what creative things you guys are up to. Your crafting with your girls has inspired some of the things I've done w/ my two (age 4 1/2 and 2 1/2). If you say it's a good book I'm definitely adding it to my wishlist lol.

hellomabel21 said...

Would love to enjoy this book! Please!

Heidi said...

My son is 5 and I've been wondering about how to get him into sewing - this would be fab!

FionaR said...

Would love to win!

MichelleSF said...

Wonderful! I have a special new mom I would love to give this two. She just had her second child and is wondering how she is going to manage both and still have time to play and create.



Christa Forsythe said...

Wow... sounds like such a fun book.... I'll have to check it out - I am always looking for fun ideas for my kiddos!

Danya W said...

I'm only a new reader to your blog and I'm enjoying it so far! With a 15 month old, we are just branching out into the world of art and craft and it is a bit daunting. I'm giving it my best shot so far, and a book like this would be a big help!

Monica said...

Sounds like a wonderful book, I'm sure my 2 boys and I would love the projects. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mommyof5 said...

OH, OH, OH! My girls and I would LOVE this book.

Traci Sumner said...

What a neat-looking book. It's fun to craft with my kids, but I need direction.

Family of Monkeys said...

First of all, congratulations on your new little blessing. Thank you for talking about this book. It looks amazing!

Rachel said...

This book would be a great tool in our house!

Laurel said...

What a fabulous book! Looks like tons of fun!

wendy jane said...

Looks like so much fun! As a mom and arts teacher, I could really appreciate a book like this! THANKS!

Uccellina said...

My 3.5 year old twins tell everyone proudly that "Mama can make anything." They are so very wrong about that, as evidenced by the dragon whose pipe-cleaner-wrapped-with-embroidery-thread hand popped off yesterday. But I'd like to live up to their ideals, and this book would sure help.

KJ said...

So fun! My boys love projects like the ones you've described.

Dwayna said...

The photographs look amazing! So envious to whoever scores this book.

Heather C said...

Thanks so much for deciding to do this giveaway. This book looks great!

Tanya M said...

The book looks like a lot of fun! I would love to win it for my kids!

Do Not Lose Heart said...

Yes! This looks fun. I'm always wanting new ideas to make with the young 'ens.

Leslie said...

What a nice book! I'd love a copy to enjoy with my little girl.

Kristy Tillman said...

This looks SOO great! We'd LOVE this book! We do need to slow down and reconnect...This would help.

betsy said...

Looks like a book that I need in our craft area!

Kathryn said...

Looks like an amazing book! My daughter loves to make things!

Kristin said...

Looks like so much fun!

Alcheme said...

Looks great!!! Thanks for the chance!

Katelyn said...

coolness! this looks like great, can't wait to see it in hand!

Sara Lou said...

Pick me, pick me!
sararochelle (at) gmail (dot) com

Daisy said...

Ooh, that last bag pictured looks awesome! We'll have to get the book for that pattern alone.

Kimberly said...

I would with developmentally delayed adults, we are always looking for new projects, this book would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a brilliant book! I'd love to use it with my 5 year-old son. I don't know if your giveaway is open to people overseas (I live in Australia) but if so, I'd love to be included with a chance.

Teacher Anonymous said...

That looks so cool!

Anonymous said...

book looks great! pick me, please!

nicole said...

My twins boys just turned 5 and we love to do stuff together. I like having some quality time with them when I am not taking care of the younger two boys!

HeatherT said...

Looks like a great book!

chrissy mat said...

Oh wow this book looks amazing!!! I love creating fun things for my little boys - I make fun and adventurous table tents out of upcycled materials - they're great for when it's raining outside but I need so patterns for making fun things for the kids to play with when they're outside. I LOVE the explorer belt my boys would LOVE that!!!

Jenny Lou Who said...

I'd love a copy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I'd love a chance to get some craft momentum as my kids (3 and almost 1) get old enough to enjoy it.

Taigrr said...

This would be a great go to book for anyone! may have to track down a copy if i don't win *i hope i win!* ^____^

Unknown said...

This book would be a wonderful addition to what my children and I already work on together. This would definitely give our crafting time some much needed "strength".

Molly said...

This looks like a fabulous book!

Nixcine & Marissa said...

Nana & Marissa say PLEASE pick us :):) we are grandmother & granddaughter and are always looking for something to create even if it's just a mess lol lol said...

I would sooooo love to win this gem of a book! I have a five year old who has just learned how to sew on a sewing machine, her first project was the man's shirt turned into a sundress. She's a Girl Scout and would love to make that last bag in the photo's!

Annette said...

Looks like a fun time.
Mamasimpson4 at yahoo dot com

Neomig said...

This book seems full of great ideas, I'm sure its an asset to every mum and teacher. I'd love to have it!

Unknown said...

I love making any kind of "stuff" with my kiddo. Sewing is something I haven't tried yet....a new idea is always appreciated.

Amy said...

"Make Stuff Together" looks so great but I would take any recommendation from you blindly! I have tried so many projects of yours. Thank you.

Amy said...

"Make Stuff Together" looks so great but I would take any recommendation from you blindly! I have tried so many projects of yours. Thank you.

stepahnie said...

Can't wait to get my hands on this book. Hopefully winning it but looks like a purchase if not! Great review.

Wocket said...

oh, I've been awaiting your next post. Your blog inspired me to make one too. please also consider me for the comp.

Anonymous said...

oh! I'd love to try for it.

Marga said...

I would love that book for me and my little girl!

Purpee Mama said...

Yep this looks like a terriffic book that would soon be covered in little fingerprints in our house too :D

Angie said...

This sounds like a fantastic book. I have recently learned to sew and I love it. My boys (ages 12 and 8) are interested in it as well, but I have been tentative to have them help me. My 3 year old loves seeing the results of my projects. This book might be the perfect thing for us to get started in crafting as a family.

Raija Chapman said...

This is the kind of book that should have been around when I was a child. It might have helped my craft-loving mum impart her love of craft to her kids that bit more easily. We've since bridged that gap a lot, and I'd love to buy this book so our 3 generations can craft up a storm!

RaisinCookies said...

I love your review. Making things with my kids is fun, but I am a practical sort of person and the idea of making things that will be useful for years to come sounds perfect.

Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Michelle said...

I'm in! Hope you've had a great summer, thanks for the book review. Looks neat!

All the best,


MarillTachiquin said...

This is an awesome book! I have a friend that loves working with handcrafts and with kids with special needs, so I'm sure she will love it!

Unknown said...

This books looks fantastic - would love to win:) Just found your blog - wonderful stuff!

Kim said...

That looks like an awesome book! I'm really trying to do more and more crafting with the's hard sometimes with a toddler. Can be do daunting!

Tina Festa said...

I would like to join... I'm from Italy. I hope you take into consideration my request. Tina

MammaAllauque said...

Sweet! I'm always looking for projects to do with the monkeys. :0)

anne g said...

I would love to win this book! My boys are going to love making stuff with me!

Amy said...

Looks like fun! I would love to win!

Congratulations on your new healthy baby girl!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great book!

jen said...

Looks like an awesome book! Thanks for your great craft ideas and passing along the idea of others as well!

Alecia said...

Looks like an awesome book, thanks for sharing! I am totally going to have to get one.

Deanna said...

thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win!

Unknown said...

Wow! Lots of mommy daughter crafty bonding time :)
alklong at hotmail dot com

Radtkecustoms said...

This looks like a fantastic book to help me through the school year with my 3yo who thinks she should be in school like her big sisters. Would definitely keep her busy.

melissajmuller said...

I teach VERY low budget art classes to Montessori kids in our public school system, this book looks like a great source for inventive ideas!

Lisa said...

I love crafting with my kiddo's.

**** **** said...

I am making that bag/tool pouch this weekend. This book looks splendid. Thanks again for Filth Wizardry.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy of this book but based on your comments, if I don't win one I will definetly buy a copy. I like the idea of having a book that will span s few years.

Susan R.

Barbara Jerineck said...

Wow, the projects look like so much fun! I would love to have this book at home!

b_jerineck (at) hotmail (dot) com

Bernadette Noll said...

Wow! What a beautiful and thoughtful review! thank you so so much. Don't count me in the count for winners but do count me as a fan of yours!!!

Jamey said...

This looks like a great book!!

Manueb said...

This book is on family wishlist!! Can not wait to look at it :)

Bethany said...

Awesome giveaway! I've just recently discovered their website and would love a copy of their new book.

Kristy said...

I would love to win this book, thank you for the chance! With 5 kiddos in the home it's sure to get plenty of use here!

Melissa said...

My 2 year old boy is totally getting into dress-ups right now and would love to have a copy of this book to delve into sewing projects and get ideas for creating some fun stuff with him.

AnonyMe said...

I'd love to have a copy to share with my friends and all of our kiddos.

Victoria said...

This looks like an excellent book! I love this website!!! You always put out great crafts and info and I love great craft ideas that are easy to do with my son. This book looks like a winner for me!

Jerri Miller said...

I can't wait to try these activitie with my granddaughters!

Villavillain said...

I'd love to win a copy of the book, even with sticky, Jammy-dodger prints!

Rebecca said...

Wow, sounds like a great book, thanks for the giveaway! My son and I would enjoy going through it together.

Grateful Gramma said...

My granddaughter got a sewing machine a couple of years ago but we've never done much with it. Would love to try some of these projects.

Katherine said...

If I don't win this book I'm definitely ordering it!

Anonymous said...

This book looks like it would be jam packed with great ideas!!!! Love your site!!!!

Katy said...

It looks so terrific!

BellinghamGirl said...

I so appreciate this review. What a fantastic sounding book - so many learning moments, so much to share, so much to create. I cannot purchase this book right now, so would be over the moon if I won it in this giveaway! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Not sure if my post went through. I really love your blog and my 4 year old twins love making your crafting ideas with me! We have made light sabers, baby wipes flowers, stain glass on our front windows, and many others! Thank you for all your great ideas!

Emily ( said...

What a lovely looking book. I have a three and three quarters year old son (that fraction is very important to him) and a very almost one year old daughter and like you whilst we really enjoy making things together I've sad at how impermanent most of it is. I'd love some inspiration to make more lasting upcycled projects. I also need to say a huge thank you for the swords tutorial you gave alphamom a million years ago (which is how I discovered you) my son and his friends have a whole armoury now with shields made from cardboard with rolled newspaper grips. We made a recent trip to Lewes Castle in East Sussex and I think the custodians thought the Norman invasion had returned!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Looks like a great book!

Alicia Friesen said...

I'd love to win this book. My children are 9, 6, 5,and 4. They love to craft...and I'd love some more permanently useful crafts.

zzoe said...


Reina said...

It sounds really fantastic :) New ideas to make stuff with the kids are always more than welcome :)

Thanks for your blog. I really love it :)

Ashley @ said...

Love what I see here!

Melony Bradley said...

Looks like a very interesting and helpful book. Have missed your posts, thanks for the review

Molly said...

Thank you for such a great opportunity! How lucky the winner to get this book is! Thank you again!

ME said...

Would love to have that book! Hoping to win it, but I'm adding it to my amazon wish list, just in case ;)

krichey said...

This looks like a great book. I love being crafty and with a 2 year old granddaughter and 2 more on the way, it would be a nice addition to my library of craft books.

DermaPet said...

Sounds like a great book! Always looking for new craft ideas for making things with real use and recycled materials...

Molly said...

Oh my gosh, that last bag is AWESOME!

Unknown said...

We would love to win this book

Anonymous said...

My kids 4 and 5 would love this book. Can't wait!

Kristi G

Mama G said...

What a neat book!

Krazy Krafter said...

Very fun! I would be thrilled to win a copy of this book.

maryadams said...

I would love this book! What a great concept!

Mummyzilla said...

It sounds great, I'd love to win

Robyn Stewardson -- Focus on Art said...

ooooh. Yes please! Looks incredible. We're always after ideas of what to do with 'stuff' that I don't like throwing away. I make assemblage sculptures from found objects and my kids are always wanting to make them too!

Double Double Happiness said...

My two 6 year olds and 2 almost 5 year olds would love the activities in this book!

KittenJen said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful things for children to explore!

Lola said...

If you like it, it sure must be great! I would love to win!

brandi said...

love this blog! great giveaway!

cait harben said...

so great! your blog has been wonderful inspiration.

kris10dale said...

I'd love a chance to win. Thanks!

krispiks (at) aol (dot) com

Craig and Julie said...

This sounds like a great book. Thanks in advance!

Mychelle Moritz said...

this sounds like a great book for our library!

Gillian said...

I've recommended your site to a few friends with small children. We are always interested in seeing what comes next, with great pictures too. My little two year old daughter loves making things and we'd love to have a look at this treasure trove of ideas.

Pamela said...

this book looks fantastic, although I am not sure if this giveaway extends to South Africa???? I hope it does. My daughter is 18 months and loves doing and creating and messing almost as much as I do. It is great that we are starting to do it together.

kathryn said...

i love your blog too- you have super ideas and projects that i have tried with my 5 1/2 year old daughter... i love your casual- anyone can 'just' DO IT vibe..i have JUSt taken out my sewing machine with her for the first time and she is super duper keen to try it again ....i agree-- this book looks like it would be fun! i'll look for it if i don't win one :o) thanks!

the reading hausfrau said...

I wonder if you'd send this oversees... said...

I would be very happy to win the book.

Aymama said...

Making stuff is what we do! Thank you for sharing your creativity, or home is more vibrant because of you!

Juise said...

Sounds lovely! I would be very happy to receive a copy of this book.

Karla said...

Sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book! Thanks for such a great blog!
Geri email:

Jessica said...

This looks like a brilliant book, with 3 little go makers in the house things like this never go astray!