- Plasticine stamp printing
- Craft foam bath murals
- repurposing Duplo bricks
- Tissue paper and glue stained glass window
- Sand art lightbox
- Harmonograph experiments
- Junkhouse shantytown in the back yard
- Giant reclaimed wooden blocks
- Giant geoboard
- Glow in the dark sketch wall
I hope that you found something useful or helpful as far as ideas go in the posts from this year. Fingers crossed that we can have this much fun again in 2011 :)
Oooh, one last thing. Remember the star wars peg dolls that I made for my older daughter's 6th birthday?
Well a load of people contacted me to ask if I was making sets to sell, and I had to say sorry and that no I had no plans to do that, but I have noticed recently that more than a couple of people on Etsy have clearly caught sight of my peg dolls and are making pretty accurate copies of them for what seems like a reasonable price given the amount of time that is involved in painting them up. For example, this seller has even made the removable clay Darth Vader mask like I did. Although I think all their pegs are the larger size, rather than a mix of large and small like mine were, but still, if you're wanting to purchase a set that is at least very similar to the ones I made my daughter, rather than make your own, Etsy crafters have clearly taken the idea and run with it. Me and the hubbins are waiting to see who the first person is to start making and selling the Falcon Dollhouse (don't worry, neither of us had any plans to make and sell these items ourselves).
One more link to another reader's Star wars peg dolls based on ours. These ones not for sale, but made as a Christmas gift. Aren't they cute, and just like ours with the same sized pegs and furry chewy and everything! (pics at bottom of the post)