Before I start on that though, I want to say sorry that it took me so long to put that email subscription doohicky on the side bar! I've had people emailing me about sorting that out for at least a year! Hope it's nice and useful for those of you not using a reader. I know my posts on here are relatively infrequent and somewhat erratic when compared to the majority of bloggers, so checking back at regular intervals doesn't really guarantee you anything. Hopefully this helps with that frustration :)
Here's a picture of some gratuitous paint mess to break up all the text ;)

Right! Over to Filth Wizardry's reader's creations! Hope some of these give anyone on the fence about trying something they have seen on here, the gumption to have at it!
- Liz at "The Quilted Turtle" made her son a tshirt with our plastic bag iron on decal method, here. (by the way, I keep meaning to update you on the longevity of these experimental decals we've done. The disney princess vest, which was the first one I did is still intact and has been through the dryer on a low heat several times too, so that's about eight months it's lasted for so far)
- I've got three links to readers that have tried the stained glass tissue paper window. Maureen over at "Twig and Toadstool" blogged about theirs here. I love that they had several smaller windows to work with! At "Petit Papier Caillou Ciseaux" they did this project on the lower part of a window and added some cute teeny flowers, here. Over at "Scott School" they made a big version too, here. Ours is still up and going strong. I expected the colours to have faded, but they are still nice and bright, so that makes me even happier about it lasting as long as it is.
- The craft foam bath murals have been a hit with other readers too! I guess you can't beat a craft that involves pretty much zero clean up! Here's a veritable tubfull from "Minnis Moments", and here's a windowfull over at "My Misty Cliff Musings". Nice alternative to the bath if you haven't got tiled walls. More over at "A Dream House for Trish" here. Mmm how I love your nice clean white tiles! I'm still trying to find a decent way to get oil pastels off grout by the way. It seems I may have to regrout or be really awful and just try and cover it up with white oil pastel!
- Hooray for those of you that tried our paper pirate swords that I wrote about over on Alpha Mom! A couple of people wrote to tell me that they had made batches for preschool and for a birthday party. We made a bunch for my older daughter's 4th birthday party and I have wonderful memories of all the swashbuckling nonsense from that day :) Indie Tutes blogged about the ones they made on a chilled out Friday afternoon, here.
- The bandana skirt craft I wrote about in that same Alpha Mom post got good feedback too, and again the crew at "My Misty Cliff Musings" had a go with the same method, but her own material rather than bandanas, here.
- Last piratey one for today! This is a blast from the past for me! It was the first ever picture on the first ever post on Filth Wizardry that was our pancake art pirate ship, and over at "Little Page Turners" they made their own, just yesterday! Check it out with their other pirate food, here.
- Over at "Endeavor Learning Center" they built their own wall purely in order to set up a music wall for the kids! Kudos! I love the bells that they have on there too. Check it out here.
- I know it was only a few days ago that I posted the plasticine stamping project, but already people have had a go and found the time to blog about it too! I tell you, you're a keen lot! Look at the top notch Egyptian hieroglyph stamps over at "Re-creo de Colores", here! They did some fantastic experimentation with this over at "Six Golden Coins" here too. I love the strawberry leaf. Love it!
- Christie at "Childhood 101" made her daughter a beginner's sewing basket, here, and included our shelf liner embroidery idea in the kit. She had a nice sized embroidery hoop for hers too, which must have made things even easier.
- I got a lovely email from Kirstene about how she made our glow in the dark light sabers for a load of people. She blogs about her girlies playing with them here, and then she made a little kit up and sent one to her brother in law for his birthday... here. She sent me a video of her brother larking around with the one she sent him too, but I can't blasted well get blogger to upload it at the moment. If Blogger stops tormenting me then I'll share it with you, because he's got some light saber sound effect skills to be proud of ;) I love that adults are enjoying this project as much as the kids! We're actually getting a bunch of kids together to make them again in a week or so when my older daughter turns six :)
- Lastly, I got an email from Robin about our crafts that she tried out with her kid's craft group. They tried the fairy houses and fairy wings, the tin foil toadstools and even the shelf liner sewing craft in one day with a bunch of little girlies. Robin was kind enough to share some photos with me. Cute overload, so brace yourself...

Lots of lovely links for you to peruse there. I only linked to the reader's projects, not ours, with the exception of Robin's craft fun, because I think all of the posts link back to the specific Filth Wizardry project that inspired them, so if you're curious you can go through to them and come back to us to see those.
If you have a go at any of our projects and want me to post a picture or link to a blog post that you have written about it then just let me know. I put these little lists together every now and again to spread the enthusiasm and give you all a virtual high five for mess in the name of fun. If you also have Courgette plants that are covered in blue paint then I owe you a chest bump!
If you've emailed me about anything recently, I promise I am trying to email you back, it's just taking me a while to get through them :)I'm about two weeks behind at the moment, so if you've emailed me about anything and it's been a month or something silly and I've not got back to you yet then alas I may have totally missed your email, so please feel free to resend it and don't think I'm ignoring you, I'm just a bit disorganized this end ;)