I know there are a bazillion different craft projects for kids around the web that make use of light streaming through coloured tissue paper for a stained glass effect, but they are mostly on a small scale.
I had five little girlies together on Wednesday, and wanted something that they could work on as a team. They ranged in age from two to five years old, so I couldn't do anything too structured, and I wanted something that everyone could contribute to regardless of abillity, like with the autumn leaf rubbing banner.

A while back the pharmacy near us changed from a Longs to a CVS and they had a clearance sale during the transition where I picked up these neat glue pens for 25c each. We used to use them as kids in the UK, but I'd not seen them out in the US before now. They just have clear school glue kind of glue in them, and a fabric tip that the glue squeezes out through like a pad for dabbing glue on.

I got out the pack of coloured tissue paper we had and the girls helped me to rip up bits and then they started to glue them onto the window with the glue pens. These glue pens are just water soluble glue, so I will be able to wash it all off the window with water when I need to, although I think it's so gorgeous that it'll be staying up as long as possible! I guess the project was kind of like a kid's version of decoupage really.

The kids didn't just stick the bits of tissue paper up, they peeled them off and rearranged them and moved them about. Even once the glue had dried it was pretty easy for them to peel a lone one off to restick it. That's how we started off with all three window panels having art on, but then they gradually moved the pieces on the side panes over to the middle one.

I helped them find gaps and paste down little rogue edges that were sticking up. We made pretty good headway with it, and when our three little friends went home, my two wanted to continue. At this point I started cutting more shapes for them like hearts and flowers and leaves. My five year old wanted to add details to the shapes with black sharpie, so at this point the tasks kind of split up with me and her cutting, her drawing on them and my four year old doing most of the sticking.

They Kept at this for ages. I think they were excited to see it grow as a piece of art, and really wanted to cover the whole window. There wasn't enough time to cover the whole window before bedtime, but this is how far they got.

The next morning they were back up at the window sticking and cutting, still in their PJs! I had to get the step stool out for them to reach the top.

Later on they came back to it again and I had to get a taller bench out for them to reach the top.

I think this is my favourite piece of art that they have created to date. The colours are just lovely, and when the light streams into the livingroom in the morning it's going to look beautiful!

It also looks really cool from the outside of the house at night :)

When someone says "why not let your kids loose with glue and tissue paper all over your windows", it does sound like a recipe for messy disaster, but surprisingly it really didn't make that much of a mess. I covered our futon couch with an old bed sheet and made sure the curtains were tucked out of the way, so apart from having tonnes of scraps of tissue all over the livingroom for a couple of days, there really wasn't anything much to clean up afterwards, except windexing off any left over glue that was on the two side windows. I think a lot of this was down to how the clear school glue went on really well with the sponge top pens, so we didn't need brushes and pots of glue to do it. These glue pens allowed the kids to get a good amount of glue on the window without it dripping everywhere and another cool thing about them is that you can unscrew them and refill them, unlike with traditional glue sticks!
Be honest, you want to make one yourself don't you? I certainly do! I know it's going to fade over time, but fingers crossed that won't happen too quickly. I like that they chose to do leaves and flowers and hearts, but if you look closely there's one single butterfly and a couple of boiled sweets in there too!
yes i want to make one now!!
yeah those glue pens were easily available in australia previously but I havent seen any in a while.. hmmm.. i'm on the hunt :)
Oh this is just lovely. Your blog makes me so happy. Does not having a blog make me a lurker? I'm a nice New yorker who now lives in California with a 10 month old daughter and a BFA. Hope that makes me less lutker-ish. Tessa
The curtains "fell down" (or whatever you call it when your children hang on them) and I haven't put them up yet. There is a sheet up right now, but I am soooo tempted to try this! My only problem is being able to see them play outside. I'm going to have to think about this for a while.
Oh, that is beautiful! Let us know how long it lasts!
What a beautiful project! I'd love to do this with my two on our front picture window. Not sure how my hubby will feel about it though...
O.M.G. This is amazing! My little one is three, and you are inspiring me with every post as the kind of mum I want to be.
This is just too beautiful. Love the colours, the shapes, the gorgeous added details.
Una idea estupenda, además me gusta mucho trabajar con papel de seda...
Sigue creando!
Un abrazo.
Wow... I mean... WOW!!! That's so amazing! I'm going to keep that idea in mind next time when my kid is older! Its gorgeous!
This is such a superb idea!
I'm going to squirrel it away and hopefully pull it out on a wet afternoon when my kids are older.
It is really beautiful. Sadly as our floods with the window condensation we get we wouldn't be able to do this.
I hope it lasts a really long time x
I love this!
I am from UK and I totally remember those glue pens - haven't seen one of those in YEARS!!
Absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait till my children are old enough to do this project with them!
What a wonderful idea! My kids have a barn-themed playroom with a window that we decorate each season. I think this will be PERFECT for the summer (which we haven't tackled just yet)! :)
wow. at my preschool I had a giant window that would have been great for this....I think if I do it at home my hubby would kill me....but I may try it anyway....LOVE IT!!!
LOVE this! And i grew up in England with that same kind of glue as well! Linked to you in my week in review post today - thanks for the great project!
OMG I love love love it! what a brilliant idea. I don't mind mess and if they love doing it and you do or would have when you were young give it a go. I'm in search in OZ for the glue pens for sure - an activity ofor a rainy day. Thank you for sharing
What a gorgeous window!
We did this on the bottom half of our back door one summer and it looked great. It was strangely easy to peel off once it started to look manky with condensation and muck.
We have those glue pens in the pound shop by us and I prefer them to glues ticks which are always drying out - unless you leave them with the id off in the garden in which case they keep damp!
Beautiful art with a place of prominence. What a terrific idea!
I So want one of these in our house - the girls would LOVE it.
Just need to find the glue pens now.
I love this! Thanks for sharing it!
So, so beautiful. My two would love this. We're going to do one on our back storm door. Here's a link to the glue pens on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Office-Depot-Glue-Pen-Fl-oz/dp/B003RPLMSY/ref=sr_1_24?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1276996867&sr=8-24.
That looks super fun and awesome! We need a way to block the view from our windows (the dog likes to bark at people), but we like to have the curtains open. This might just be the thing!
Thanks for such a great idea!
That is positively beautiful! I really love that they were so into it that the whole window got covered. It's marvelous. I need to get back over there to see it before it falls apart!
This is awesome! I can not wait to do this with my girls!!! I wonder if a bingo doter pen could be re-used as a glue doter pen? We'll try ... and let you know. Super Cool Idea!!!!
Best. Mother. Ever.
love this idea! my son would love to do it, and it is so cool at night, thanks for sharing! I love the low cost crafts you do with your kids, it is so helpful to us!
I have indeed seen a lot of tissue paper sun catchers, but this one is by far the most beautiful. I love reading your blog, because your projects are done with a creative twist.
That is so beautiful and fabulous! I love how not only you come up with the idea for such a wonderful project, but totally support your girls all the way through to completion. I'm sure that gives them so much confidence...so cool!
Oh, I absolutely love it!! Gorgeous!! I think I would want it to last forever though, it's so beautiful!
Love it. As soon as I saw this pic I said: "WOW!" I love gorgeous art like that! I remember using those glue pens as a kid too (I'm in Canada) but don't see them around anymore!
Again one of these incredible creative projects from you!!! Congratulation to you and your marvellous blog!
Have you got my mail - I really, really would appreciate it to have one of your project in my magazine and introduce it to the germanspeaking world!
all the best Dolores
Hi! I'm from Spain and I like so much your blog... I work in a ballet and music school and the secretary and a lot of mothers are your fans... We are your fans jaja. Thanks for show us all this wonderfull things. (Sorry for my english :P)
That is SO fantastic! I want to do one!
SPECTACULAR!! This looks so beautiful. What a wonderful time you all had! My children at kinder would love this ... thinking ... thinking ... thinking!
Thanks for sharing.
Donna :) :)
That is so cool an idea. Guess 'll have to wait for Sophia to be bigger though
This is brilliant! I love the way it looks - the light glowing through the tissue paper, and I love the fact that this is something your children created together!
I'm eyeballing my windows now, trying to decide which one to try this on. I'm thinking the window in our front door -- we can't put up curtains and don't want to completely block the light, but would like to make it more opaque. Now you've got me thinking...
Please let us know how long this lasts, and how it is to clean up!
Yes! Perfect!
I need to hunt down some of those glue pens. We have several perfect windows at school at the kids will love figuring out how to get all the way to the top.
This is so beautiful, it looks just like stained glass! I used those glue pens growing up too, possibly during the years I spent in France? They were so easy to use!
I love this so incredibly much. I read it yesterday and today I went and got tissue paper and glue pens. Summer project!
So so beautiful!!!
Wow, I absolutely love all your projects, you always leave me speechless with your creativity. Thank you so much for sharing!
What a fantastic idea. I am going to try this with my neice and nephew. I love that it just washes up but the kids probably feel like they are really doing something big
This is incredible, and so are you. I am pretty good at letting my kids make messes, but you are definitely the queen. :) As always, ALL your ideas appeal to me. XOXO
As I think so often when I visit this site - how creative and amazing. You inspire me in my everyday life to take chances and try new things. Thank you for sharing your life with the net.
This takes my breath away. How lovely. And although it is appropriate for preschoolers, what kid, of any age, wouldn't get into this. I love the extra touches. I'll be linking on facebook. Thanks for sharing!
google "washable glue pen" and the exact same pen shows up from Discount School Supply!
This is beautiful, creative, precious, and such a great idea! I say leave it up as long as you can! Makes me wish I had kids to do this to my front window. Or maybe I can just do it myself and tell my husband a band of 5-year-olds broke into our house. Yeah. That's a good plan.
A fantastic idea! It is a beautiful and colorful window ... is like a window.
Does the glue you use is special??
Love it!!! I will be doing this with multiple windows in my house! I'm thinking it could also be changed seasonally...oh, imagining the possibilities!!!!!
:) maureen
Yes I want one too, totally gorgeous!
Be sure to tell the kids about darling old Mr. Matisse (find in the book Discovering Great Artists), how he became so ill and bedridden that he could no longer paint;so next, being an insatiable artist, he began to cut paper into wild shapes to make collages. And in fact, stained glass windows were made from his designs. His story is a fascinating one for children. And his art style is one they will love and appreciate.
MaryAnn Kohl
art author
My New Blog: http://maryannfkohl.typepad.com/blog/
I'd love to post about this tissue paper collage idea- I'd link and just use one photo of the finished project. Please let me know if this is OK.
Julia, Editor, Ohdeedoh.com
That would be totally fine Julia. Glad you like their window :) They are really proud of it. It'll be a fun project to do every now and again as they get older.
Also, Paula, if there is a word in the English language for "whatever you call it when the curtains fall down because your kids hang on them" then I need to add it to my vocabulary!
I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to see some pics if any of you try this project. I know Tom is in the middle of it with his tribe and I can't wait to see the results!
We MADE ONE! was easy and awesome. Thanks for all the great ideas!
I positively adore this! Saw it on Ohdeedoh and wish my daughter was old enough to do this already. We have two front windows that need something for privacy but haven't found anything I love. And I love this. Would it be so awful for me to do it myself? I can take it down and let my daughter do it when she is older :)
Thank you for the inspiration!!!
I remember these glue pens from grade school here in the USA. I will be keeping an eye out for them during school-supply season so my boys can try this on our glass storm door. Love this idea, and you post such gorgeous pictures. Thanks!
Wow, that's stunning! I would love to do this in the window portion of my back door. Thanks so much for the idea, I'll be linking.
Absolutely wonderful!!!
This is so awesome! What a wonderful idea. Love it!
so would any clear glue work? Like Elmer's school glue or mod Podge?
I really want to try this for my back window and my kids would have a blast with this.
If you don't already have one, you should get a book contract. Your projects are consistently better than what I see in kid magazines and craft project books. I like that they are low cost and don't require a lot of prep work.
Keep up the good work.
wow, so great, and so glad you're showing us not to be afraid of glueing things on windows! I'm going to link to this on my weekly linking party at creativejewishmom.com so I can share it with my readers. Thanks so much!
Loved it, did it, photo'd it, linking back to you, lovely lady! Thank you and namaste.
This is utterly gorgeous, sheer genius really. I just love this and what a fabulous way to get your kids excited about art!
Yes, I do !! and we shall ... this weekend perhaps. thanks for this awesome craft. (I came over from crafty crow)
Thank you for this beautiful idea! We are I'm the midst of our NZ winter school hols and really need cheering up; this project will be perfect!!!!
You can get those glue pens from most office supply stores, they are used to seal envelopes instead of licking them. Great idea it came out so beautifully
Love this!!! We live on a zero property line which means we are VERY close to our neighbors. i have been wanting to purchase some framed stained glass pieces that I can hang on the window that looks out at our neighbors house. The stained glass I want is super expensive so I am patiently waiting. Until then I think I will let my kids create a masterpiece like yours! I can't wait :)
way cool!
Now I am wandering round my house looking for the perfect window to do this on!
Thank you so much for the inspiration! My oldest spent hours putting tissue paper on the dining room window and it looked beautiful. We couldn't find glue pens, but Elmers Clear School Glue Gel and a paint brush worked wonderfully. Now, if we could just convince her two yr old twin sisters to stop pealing it off the window...
Beautiful!!! I think we will try that too. Thanks for the super fun idea!!
Here is a link to some water soluable glue pens online...I will be putting in an order!
@Paula = could you have your kids do the bottom of the window - perhaps 2/3 up so you could see them AND have privacy and some color??? I LOVE this and am going out to get tissue and glue to do this in my art room window - it's P E R F E C T!!!
This is so beautiful! I love the colours on the window. Can you please tell me if Micheals or Jo-Ann would carry the sheets?
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful idea. My 3 year old's friends are coming over on Friday and this might be a good project to involve all the kids in :)
love this - posted about it over here - http://parentplanet.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/great-sites-8-5/
This is gorgeous. We have done versions of this art project many time, but nothing on this scale. I love it! I would want to keep it up too!
What a cool mom!! Such beautiful art work. I wish there was a way you could "treat" it so it could be more permanent. This would be such a fun project to do - even with my teen. Thanks for letting us share in the beauty :)
I am SO going to CVS to look for those glue pens! Thanks for the wonderful idea.
This makes my heart happy! What a great project. I think my window needs some decor as well :)
thank for this idea
it's si beautiful
we make one too
I'm very exicted to try this at home and hope our 2 year old has the attention span that your girls do! Here is a link to Staples where you can order the glue pens 2 for $1.29
I really love your blog - very unique :) And very inspiring! My 4 year old has a list going now of all the projects she wants to try from here :) I've added you to my favorite blogs on my side bar - definitely not a blog to be missed :) There will be tissue paper stained glass windows popping up all over the place I'm sure ;) A sort of a signal - ahhhh you read the Filth Wizard too ;) ... Thank you for the inspiration :)
came here via the artful parent via this post - what a fabulous idea, we'll be doing that as soon as i have willing children (yeah, you try and stop them!) and some glue pens (am in the UK and hopefully they're still easy to source)
thanks for a wonderful idea
This is so beautiful - I had to try it - http://bangalorekaleidoscope.wordpress.com/2010/10/02/window-art/
wow. I've just spent 2 hours reading your blog. my little girl is almost 2 and I'm always on the look out for inspired things for now and the future.
I'll be trying this project but with one difference, i don't want to have to take it down when we move (we're renting too) so I'll attach some clear perspex to the window first, then we can take it wherever we go. :)
I used again your great idea to make birthday wishing cards.
I recycled some plastic wrapper from toys I cut squares inside
Children stuck the tissue paper on them to make the mini stained-glass window Thank you again for your great ideas
Lili (from france)
Oh my gosh, I love this! Absolutely beautiful!
Hi there!
I just had to write and let you know we tried this and it turned out fantastic! I couldn't find those glue pens so I substituted blue Elmer's school gel and a foam brush. We started with a heart shape for Valentine's Day and now we're expanding it to cover the entire back door. We have south eastern exposure and having breakfast with the sun pouring in over the colors is GORGEOUS!
Stained Glass Heart Collage
LOVE your ideas, keep 'em coming!
OH my gosh! This is one of the BEST things I've ever seen! It's beautiful and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, that it looks like it's in a main room of your house. I'd keep it on my windows as long as possible too - I bet when the sun hits it full on it's simply stunning!
I featured this post on my blog today. You can find it here:
You can grab a featured button from my side-bar if you'd like to post it on your site.
Thanks for such a fun idea!!
:)rachel from SunScholars.blogspot.com
We are going to do this tomorrow for the kitchen window. I think I am going to use mack-tac though and put the tissue paper on the sticky side and make sort of a "Picture Frame" to hang in the window :)
I love this one!! Well your whole blog!
We will do this in school for summertime to make some shadow!
Thank you
THis is awesome! Love it!
Wasn't able to view all of the comments, but instead of glue you can use Liquid Laundry Starch. I have made these for years and I've always used the starch. It's also a great way to decorate glass vases (on the outside) and glass balls for the holidays......
Are you okay with my pining this on the new site http://pinterest.com/ I LOVE the tissue paper glue window collage and this is a site that let's me collect ideas to try later.
we are doing this in a few minutes!! :)
Have you seen the latest issue of Family Fun? They copied your idea! It's unfortunate they didn't contact you and give you credit, but at the same time how cool! Now even more people will know about your idea and put it into action!
Thank you! You have solved my window privacy dilemma! Its a fantastic idea, but instead of gluing them directly on the window i'm going to get non adhesive transparent window clings as a base. THANKS AGAIN!
We are renting right now and would not want to permanently ruin the window but my daughter would love this! How easily does the glue come off when it's time to take it down?
This is absolutely perfect! Thank you so much for the inspiration!
I can't wait to try this with my daughter, and friends, when she is a bit older. Wonderful!
Love the window!
I've been trying to come up with a treatment for some of my windows. I was doing tissue and liquid starch collages with my preschool class, and wondered if it could be done on glass. I googled tissue paper on windows and your beautiful project came up. Now I know how to do it! Thank you so much for sharing it. You and your girls are very talented and creative.
I would love to do this in my classroom of first and second graders. I am worried about harming the window in my school. Does the window really come clean easily? Making sure. So beautiful!
Found this through interest. it's absolutely gorgeous!
I love this!! I have a bathroom window that this would be SO perfect on!! And you are right - I do want to go and do this right now!!
You are right - I want to go do this now!! I have a bathroom window that this would be perfect for AND I have a bunch of little friends that would love to help!!
GREAT WINDOW!!! I have three windows which see through to my junk room.. I'm having a baby shower for a friend soon and was googling."cover up windows with paper" and your page came up.. i cant wait to go to the shops tomorrow to buy the materials needed..I want mine to be just and great as yours..Thankyou for the inspiration.. Carol
GOT the tissue paper today and my son already had the glue.. we're going to start our window tonight..THANK YOU for the inspiration.. it's just what we need to brighten up our gloomy junk room windows..just had another look at your window and realise I dont have Orange paper.. hmmmmmm better go back to the shops and get some..:-)))) carol
A very nice article thank you!!!
These glue pens are common in Pakistan and with summer coming up fast, I think it will be a good idea to let the children (plus the hidden one inside their parents) their creativity!
Thank you for sharing another interesting craft project that the kids will surely love! This is proof that we can indeed make something out of used or old materials and not just buy new materials when we want to make a collage. The use of tissue paper is practical and shows resourcefulness. Our old paper documents, newspapers or plastic items can also serve a variety of purposes aside from turning them into pieces of craft art. Thanks for sharing!
I am 22 years old, male, and I AM GOING TO DO THIS TOMORROW.
Thanks for the idea! Your blog is terrific!
My four year old granddaughter and I started cutting and tearing shapes this morning to do this project. Our lively schnauzer drives me absolutely nuts yapping out the windows every time she sees a squirell or bird or leaf or cat - or anything at all out the window. For a year now I've had press & seal on the lower section of the windows to keep her from seeing out. It has curbed the yapping, but our windows look horrid from utside. (I can't see the plastic wrap from inside since it's behind the curtain. But I am now excited to think of something beautiful that the children make to cover the window. I am planning to leave about a foot at the top open so I can see out the window, but will put valance length sheers up there. It will still let in light, but I can see out too. What a great project! Thanks for posting it. I found it when googling easy stain glass window projects.
My kids have a huge picture window in their room that they can't seem to keep a curtain up in so I am imagining this as a solution to that! Thanks so much for the idea!
Sorry to see it go but glad it came down so easily when you needed to move. Have a wonderful move back to Wales!
What great inspiration!!! I am thrilled to start this project. I couldn't find any glue pens so we're going to try watered down school glue... Thank you for sharing.
This is such an inspiration! I wasn't able to find glue pens so we're going to try it with watered down school glue. Can't wait to see what ours turns into!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!!
This is awesome! I think I'm going to do it around my windows at school - liked a 4 inch frame so we can still see out but have the beautiful colors too! If I feel mighty inspired I might but out letters to use to make the boarder (using my cricut machine or the ellison machine at school).... Is yours still up two years later? And if so, how much has it faded?
Thanks so much,
Loved it, DID it! THANK YOU :)
Love this! Can also completely cover the window first with a layer of plastic food wrap. Then you can glue to the wrap, even using regular glue sticks. Whole thing will peel off easily when you're ready for a change.
This is fantastic! Side comment- I had glue pens growing up in Virginia Beach, VA throughout the 80's :)
There is a bottom panel to a window door in my classroom that I am mentally eyeing up...
I love this idea.
How long did it last before fading?
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