Jun 29, 2009

Two thank yous and a happy mum

Last week two nice bloggers gave me awards and I want to say thank you to them. I meant to say thank you earlier, but I've got such a back log of projects to try and get on here since the summer started. Those kids really have been keeping me very busy!

Thank you to Puppy Love Princess from Puppy Love Preschool, who gave me the "One Lovely Blog" award. Here tis...
Thank you also to Lisa from Cuci-cuci-coo, who gave me the Italian "Artista del cuore" award. Here tis...As usual, there are rules and regulations associated with these awards, you know, list 10 things you wish for, list 15 things you want to do, list 20 other blogs, list any vegetables you ate this week, list any objects you have in your pockets, list any dairy, plant or animal products that you intend to bring into the country. I'm afraid I'm shirking those responsibilities. Naughty!

I do like if I get given an award to pass on the appreciative karma to someone else, so here's a great little link to some beautiful free colouring pages made by children's book illlustrator and author Elizabeth O. Dulemba. Her site showcases her stunning illustrations, created for children's books. She's kindly made many free downloadable colouring pages for children to enjoy (especially good ones for holiday themes). Her illustration style is so lovely. Simple fluid lines and just the right level of cute! My kids asked for the mermaid and the robot when I showed them the page. I really want to get a copy of "Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese" That book sounds great! She's also a blogger and her blog is updated with a new colouring page each tuesday among other posts. Very cool!

Finally, after last week's epic projects like the playdough train table , Dinosaur Island, and Wall-E, I wanted to share with you a much more simple moment, that made me very happy.

We were eating out (whoo hoo! but wait, that's not it) at a place that gave the kids a packet of crayons. My four year old had brought a miniture model of Zurg from Toy Story with her (less than 1 inch tall). She asked me if I could make the crayon box into a rocketship for her, so I attempted this half baked creation in the restaurant, with my husband's mini pocket knife and the tiny bit of selotape that had sealed the crayons. The thing that made my week was my daughter's reaction to it. She hugged me tight and said "you're my best mum when you make things!" Of course I said "Thank you pixie pop. I love it when you make things too!", and she said all matter of factly "Yeah. We're makers". I'm so taking her to Makerfaire next year!

Here's the rocket... Kinda on the other end of the scale from the last one we made huh!

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Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade said...

Thanks for the Maker Faire link! I've never heard of it before, but we're in the Sacramento area, so we're definitely going to add that to our list of fun activities to check out next year! :)

Kat said...

oh my gosh, i've spent a few hours reading through your archives, and you must be just about the best mom ever! thank you for keeping this wonderful (and inspiring!) blog!

Elise said...

Ahh you resourceful "makers" you!
I love that she thought of having you make a rocket ship out of the crayon box.


Kirsten said...

Awww... what a sweet comment from your little gal. :)