Every now and again we make silly stuff out of tin foil. Makes a change from cardboard for me (people are beginning to think I am fixated with making things out of the cardboard I pilfer from Costco and I can't have them forcing me into therapy over it before I have built the international space station!). Like cardboard it is of course 100% recyclerific, especially so if you use the 100% recycled foil in the first place! Speaking of which, Reynolds had a deal on it's 100% recycled foil on earth day, where you could print out a coupon, buy the stuff and then post the recipt back with the coupon for a full rebate. Nearly FREE FOIL! Whooo!
Awesome! :)
These are fantastic - the sombrero is my favorite! I love the anti government mind-probe-wear too, and your daughters seem very pleased with their royal garb :)
Gotta find out where the kids hid my roll of tin foil. My twelve year old keeps oohing and aaahing over sombreros in thrift shops and has been talking about a need for a foil hat... This could go over very well!
I love the sombrero! Especially how it completely obscures the wearer! Very cool use of foil. Did the girls get round to attaching actual (fake) probes on a bowl-shaped hat and play Mindreader/alien interrogation? Endless possibilities, and you've just opened a door for our family, too! Good ol' costco - at the rate I'm raring to go, we WILL need foil in warehouse quantities!
i love this!
I've given it a thumbs up in Stumble! and recommend that others follow. :)
simply fantastic!!!
besth wishes from spain!
This is so cute! I'm wondering if I can use the picture of the tinfoil tiaras on the sand for my new blog called Tinfoils Tiaras. It's a blog about fashion and I think this picture woule be perfect.
Thanks so much,
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