One of my friend's little girls has had to undergo some pretty darn serious talipes treatment right from birth. She's already had several casts and surgery and is now fitted with some hardcore boots and mini snowboard contraption that bolts to the boots to continue the treatment. Cutey little lass is only a couple of months old. The snowboard (I have no idea what it is called medically, a brace maybe?) has to be worn with the boots 23 hours a day at the moment, so diaper changing is understandably not as easy as it should be. My mate has cut the feet off sleepsuits so far in order to be able to use the snaps openings.
I mentioned Babylegs to her and we've got her a few pairs to go in the mail this weekend. There are loads of tutorials out there on the web showing how to make home made babylegs from pairs of adult knee high socks by the way.
I had some pairs of 18 month tights around that had hardly been worn, so I thought I'd try and make some babylegs with those. I cut up the tights into the legs, pants, heels and feet.

I am SO glad I found your blog. I love all of your posts. I don't have girls or tights right now, but I love what you made out of one pair of tights!!
Your blog is wonderful! I love it!!! I write in a Spanish blog that caters for home and kids style, craft, food and eco-friendly issues. We have seen your post on "chalk and water painting" and we were wondering whether you would mind us using it and referencing it in our blog (
Hope to hear from you soon.
elena at
I left you an award on my blog - no need to pass it on unless you want to but I think your blog is fantastic!
Elena, sure, feel free to use and reference our fun. Glad you enjoy the blog :) I'll have to check out yours (sadly with the help of googles translation skills though as my Spanish is rubbish)
MaryAnne, thanks for the award! I'll definately blog about it when I get a moment. I happen to think that your blog is fantastic too ;)
Actually, I have a crush on dollarstore crafts as well Heather. Starting this blog has brought me in touch with so many awesome bloggers. So glad I found the time to do this blog.
What an absolutely fabulous idea! I so wish that I could sew, unfortunately I just knit and crochet. Very ingenious!
Now that hat is adorable! I would never have thought of making it from the uppers of tights! See - THAT is genius!
Love the baby legwarmers, but the hat is just above and beyond. So cute!
Such a fab idea as Baby tights are often looking a bit shabby to pass on. My 2yr old and I did this together and she was so excited by the new outfits for "Holly" "Molly" and "Dolly".
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