This ia another thank you post. Some of you might remember several months ago
I drew a couple of colouring pages for my older daughter's 4th birthday party and in that post I linked to some great free colouring pages from
Louise Elliott's site, including a pic of one of the colouring pages my daughter had done (see below).

Well, Louise sells gorgeous printed fabric animal patterns based on her colouring pages that you can buy online and sew yourself for your kids. Louise contacted me a little while ago and said she was going to start having a
regular colouring in competition on her site, where kids could win her toy kits, and that she was sending my little girl one of the horse kits, as her efforts had inspired the competition. I know! What a lovely thing to do, right? and totally sweet that Louise would send this all the way from Australia as well. The woman clearly is awesome.
The kit arrived last week and I quickly put it together for her. Both girls love Olaf the horse! He's totally cute and the patterns and colours are great!

So thank you lots and lots Louise, from both my girls and myself too (I rather enjoyed sewing Olaf), and all of you out there with kids that love to colour should have a go and enter Louise's monthly comps! All you have to do is download one of her free colouring pages, print it out, set the littlies to work on it, scan or photograph the image and email it to Louise or I guess even post it to her by snail mail if you can bear to part with it and she will upload the pic to her site gallery and you'll be in with a chance to win your own totally cool toy kit for the munchkins to love.
My daughter, being a nut for colouring in, wanted to colour in the sewing instructions that came with Olaf too.
Hey if she ever gets bored with it send it to me, I think I am in LOVE!!!!!!
Is she bored yet???
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